Can you file an ITIN without a US Company and EIN?
Which state should I choose? LLC or C Corp?
As a non-resident we recommend Delaware, Wyoming, and Florida. Since you won’t reside/live you’ll not be liable for state tax. If you’re on a tight budget Wyoming is usually the best option since maintaining costs are lower. If you’re looking for super-fast formation you can also consider New Mexico. Delaware is the most common option and easiest to deal with.
If you have shareholders and a bit more of a bigger long-term business, you can consider a C Corp. If you’re just a beginner, an LLC would be better for you.
It varies from state to state, most commonly Delaware has a $300 Franchise Tax, Wyoming has a $40 Annual Report Fee, we remind you when these are due, and you can directly pay the state.
Our annual registered agent fee is $198, it includes the business address where you can get unlimited scans all year around.
If you have an annual VPS service, it’s $198 after the first year.
How much does it cost to maintain the company?
How long is the process? How does everything work? What are the necessary documents?
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